Postdoc positions in experimental condensed matter physics

Three post doc positions are open in the group of Professor Collin Broholm at the Institute for Quantum Matter of The Johns Hopkins University.

  • Position 1 will focus on the development of time resolved methods in neutron scattering and prior experience with pump probe methods and/or microwaves will be an advantage. This position can be located either at ORNL or JHU.
  • Position 2 will focus on the development of advanced high performance methods for analyzing, visualizing, and disseminating “Big” Neutron data and prior experience with scientific software development will be an advantage. This position will primarily be located at JHU.
  • Position 3 will focus on the use of wide angle polarized neutrons to probe superconducting materials with strong spin fluctuations. This position will be located at the NIST Center for Neutron Research.

All positions will be engaged in research on new quantum materials developed at IQM and require a Ph. D. in Physics or Materials Science. Prior experience with neutron scattering will be an advantage but is not a requirement.  Applicants should submit a CV, list of publications, and arrange for the submission of two letters of reference via Interfolio to If you have questions concerning Interfolio, please call (887) 997-8807 or email [email protected].

Consideration of applications will begin on March 15, 2015, and will continue until the position is filled.  Johns Hopkins University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and welcomes applications from women and members of underrepresented groups.