Santu Baidya
Adviser: David Vanderbilt
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: First-principles based density functional method to study interesting phenomena like electronic structure, magnetism, topological properties like quantum Hall effects, Weyl semimetals etc. of real materials.
PhD: S. N. Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences, 2015
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Shreenanda Ghosh
Adviser: Natalia Drichko
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I use Raman Spectroscopy and Muon Spin Relaxation technique, to study the fundamental properties of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems(with a focus on unconventional superconductors, Weyl semimetals etc.) under uniaxial pressure.
PhD: Technical University of Dresden, Germany, 2021
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Gaël Grissonnanche
Adviser: Brad Ramshaw
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I specialize in transport of heat and charge experiments in quantum materials, with a soft spot for the thermal Hall effect technique. My research orbits around the study of unconventional superconductors and frustrated magnets at low temperature and in high magnetic fields.
PhD: University of Sherbrooke, 2016
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Santhosh Kumar Kadakuntla
Adviser: N. Peter Armitage
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My main focus of research is understanding the low energy dynamics of correlated electron materials.
PhD: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, India
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Jinwoong Kim
Adviser: David Vanderbilt
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Topologically protected states emerging at interfaces such as anti-phase boundary or heterostructures. Development of tight-binding code based on Wannier Hamiltonian for simulations of novel experimental observations.
PhD: Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea 2012
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M Raju
Adviser: Satoru Nakatsuji and Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Developing thin-film heterostructures consisting of magnets, heavy metals, oxides, and superconductors using sputtering techniques. Understanding the emergent quantum phenomenon in low-dimensional heterostructures.
PhD: IIT Delhi, 2013

Yishu Wang
Adviser: Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I am interested in emergent phenomena in quantum magnetism, particularly when long-range magnetic ordering is suppressed. Experimentally, I use scattering techniques (neutron and x-ray) to probe magnetic ground states and excitations in the energy-momentum space, complemented by transport measurements, time-resolved studies, and high-pressure tuning.
PhD: California Institute of Technology, 2018

Brandon Wilfong
Adviser: Tyrel M. McQueen
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: quantum materials, frustrated magnetism, superconductivity
PhD: Chemical Physics, University of Maryland, 2020
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Junyi Zhang
Adviser: Yi Li
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My current appointment for IQM mainly focuses on topological superconductor and Dirac/Weyl semimetals. I am generally interested in correlated and topological systems, e.g., quantum Hall effect, and the interplay of the correlation and topology in systems like iron-based superconductor, kagome superconductor, spin liquid, etc.
PhD: Princeton University, 2021

Eli Zoghlin
Adviser: Tyrel M. McQueen
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My primary research lies in the field of quantum magnetism with an emphasis on low-dimensional and frustrated systems. Experimentally, I utilize thermodynamic measurements (e.g. heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility) to support neutron or X-ray experiments at national facilities. I am also interested in the development and usage of high-pressure floating-zone crystal growth to synthesize novel bulk samples.
PhD: University of CA, Santa Barbara