David Barbalas
Adviser: Peter Armitage
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Linear and nonlinear THz spectroscopy of strongly correlated metallic systems.
Undergraduate Institution: Wheaton College, 2017
Expected Graduation: 2023

Rishi Bhandia
Adviser: Peter Armitage
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Currently my research interests have focused on magnetic topological materials such as time-reversal breaking Weyl semimetals, axion insulators, etc. I also have done some measurements on magnetic insulators and am interested the non-linear response of materials in the THz range.
Undergraduate Institution: Occidental College, 2016; Researcher at Los Alamos National Lab, 2016-2017
Expected Graduation: 2023

Yawen Fang
Adviser: Brad Ramshaw
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Transport measurements on Weyl semimetals, pseudogap Fermi surface of high-Tc cuprates, surface acoustic wave measurements on van der Waals heterostructures.
Undergraduate Institution: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2016
Expected Graduation: 2022
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Austin Ferrenti
Adviser: Tyrel M. McQueen
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My research focuses on the synthesis and study of insulating frustrated magnets, with a focus on the rational design of novel and improved correlated systems exhibiting quantum spin liquid-like behavior and unconventional superconductivity.
Undergraduate Institution: Princeton University, 2019
Expected Graduation: 2024
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Alireza Ghasemi
Adviser: Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My research interest in general is in the field quantum magnetism, and specifically working on spin liquid candidates and sensitivity of this phase to structural imperfections.
Undergraduate Institution: Sharif University of Technology, 2016
Expected Graduation: 2023
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Sayak Ghosh
Adviser: Brad Ramshaw
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Ultrasound and magnetotransport studies of superconductors, magnetic systems and topological materials.
Undergraduate Institution: Indian Institute of Science, 2016
Expected Graduation: 2022
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Tom Halloran
Adviser: Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My research focuses on the study of potential Quantum Spin-Liquid candidates through inelastic neutron scattering and bulk characterization techniques.
Matriculation: 2016
Expected Graduation: 2022
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Chris Lygouras
Adviser: Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I am interested in the synthesis and exploration of topological materials including magnetic Weyl semimetals and topological superconductors. We use neutron scattering to study magnetic ordering and magnetic excitations, and complement these findings with physical property measurements.
Undergraduate Institution: McMaster University, 2019
Expected Graduation: 2024

Vincent Morano
Adviser: Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I use neutron scattering techniques to study the magnetic properties of intrinsic axion insulator candidates. Broadly speaking, I am curious about the interaction between collective magnetic order and topological band structures.
Undergraduate Institution: University of Pennsylvania, 2018
Expected Graduation: 2023

Peter Orban
Adviser: Tyrel M. McQueen
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: My research interests involve synthesis and characterization of low dimensional quantum magnets and noncentrosymmetric superconductors.
Expected Graduation: 2026

Tim Reeder
Adviser: Collin Broholm
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I am interested in driving magnets out of equilibrium while measuring the evolution of the dynamic quantum spin correlations with the goal to study nonequilibrium magnetism and relaxation. My current research attempts this via microwave stimulated inelastic neutron scattering.
Undergraduate Institution: Colorado State University, 2017
Expected Graduation: 2023
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Ralph Romero
Adviser: Peter Armitage
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: I am interested in how materials can emit terahertz light and how this can be related to underlying dynamics and symmetries.
Undergraduate Institution: Virginia Tech, 2018
Expected Graduation: 2024

Florian Theuss
Adviser: Brad Ramshaw
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: (Resonant) Ultrasound studies probing superconductors, topological materials, and electron hydrodynamics.
Undergraduate Institution: Heidelberg University, Germany, 2017

Yuanyuan Xu
Adviser: Natalia Drichko
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest: Pyrochlore oxides.
Expected Graduation: 2023