Principal Investigators

N. Peter Armitage
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 309
- 410-516-0214
Research Interests: N. Peter Armitage is a condensed matter physicist experimenting with 'optical' techniques to investigate complexed condensed matter systems. His current main interest includes the exotic electron states of matter at low temperatures. Other areas of interest include biological physics, nanostructures, physical chemistry, and quantum optics.

Collin Broholm
IQM Director, Gerhard H. Dieke Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 345
- 410-516-7840
Research Interests: Collin Broholm explores strongly correlated condensed matter using neutron scattering techniques. He studies quantum disordered phases in one dimension, and frustrated quantum magnetism in two and three dimensions. He is interested in systems with linked degrees of freedom such as strongly correlated magnetic superconductors and multiferroic materials.

Robert J. Cava
Russell Wellman Moore Professor of Chemistry
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Princeton University
- 609-258-0016
Research Interests: Robert Cava's research group searches for and creates new compounds, grows crystals, determines their crystal structures, and characterizes their electrical and magnetic properties. Areas of interest include new superconductors, dielectric, thermoelectric, magnetoresistant, frustrated magnets, and transparent conducting materials.

Natalia Drichko
Associate Research Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 333
- 410-516-6693
Research Interests: The Raman spectroscopy group is focused on studies of charge and spin ordered ground states in strongly correlated electron systems. Our current aim is to investigate them with Raman spectroscopy to find general behavior for materials of different chemical origin (both organic and inorganic).

S. M. Koohpayeh
Associate Research Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 327
- 410-516-7687
Research Interests: Koohpayeh is a materials scientist investigating the synthesis, development, crystal growth and characterization of different classes of novel materials, e.g. electronic, magnetic, semiconducting, and topological materials. His current main interests include, 3D growth and development of quantum materials, thermodynamics and physical metallurgy, understanding the nature of defects in crystals, and the structure-physical property relationships.

Yi Li
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 339
- 410-516-6422
Research Interests: Yi Li is a condensed matter theorist interested in exploring exotic quantum phases of matter and their organizing principles, particularly novel topological superconducting and topological insulating states, itinerant ferromagnetism, as well as non-perturbative analytic and quantum Monte Carlo approaches to strongly correlated quantum systems.

Tyrel M. McQueen
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 301, NCB 312
- 410-516-6201
Research Interests: Tyrel M. McQueen is a professor of chemistry, physics and astronomy, and materials science and engineering at the Johns Hopkins University, and director of the PARADIM Bulk Materials Facility. His research focuses on the synthesis, discovery, and analysis of new quantum materials, with a vision of their current and future utility.

Satoru Nakatsuji
Research Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 341
Research Interests: Satoru Nakatsuji is interested in developing new materials and their thin film form for spintronics and energy harvesting applications. Recently he has been focusing on developing new topological magnets that show unexpected functions at room temperatures. He is also working on the high-resolution measurements not only at room temperature but down to mK range to search for novel state of matter highlighting quantum entanglement such as exotic superconductivity and quantum spin liquids.

Predrag Nikolic
Affiliated Faculty - Adjunct Associate Professor (GMU)
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 313 & George Mason University
Research Interests: Predrag Nikolic is a condensed matter theorist interested in strongly correlated electrons and ultra-cold atoms. His work is focused on trying to understand the unconventional phases and phase transitions of many-body quantum systems, especially the universal phenomena which do not depend on microscopic details and hence occur in a variety of different physical environments. The subjects of his research are ultra-cold atoms in the unitarity regime, high-temperature superconductors (cuprates and iron-based), topological insulators, quantum Hall effect, and frustrated quantum magnets.

Brad Ramshaw
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Cornell University
- 607-255-1956
Research Interests: My lab specializes in magnetotransport and ultrasonic measurements in extreme magnetic fields - up to 100 tesla and beyond. Magnetic fields of this magnitude allow us to induce new phases of matter in metallic and magnetic systems, suppress competing phases such as superconductivity, and to make detailed measurements of the electronic structure in metals. We also employ unique experimental techniques such as resonant ultrasound spectroscopy - a technique that gives unprecedented symmetry information about correlated states of matter.

Nitin Samarth
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Penn State University
- 814-863-0136
Research Interests: Nitin Samarth is broadly interested in understanding the fundamental behavior of spin in quantum materials, with a view toward discovering emergent phenomena and developing ‘spintronic’ technologies for processing, storing and transporting quantum information.

Oleg Tchernyshyov
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Bloomberg 323
- 410-516-8586
Research Interests: Oleg Tchernyshyov's interests lie in the area of magnetism and magnetic materials. He works on a variety of systems ranging from geometrically frustrated ferromagnets to magnets on the nanoscale and artificial magnetic arrays. These diverse systems are unified by a common theme: dynamics of magnetization is often mediated by nontrivial magnetic textures known as topological defects: vortices, skyrmions and spinons to name a few.

David Vanderbilt
Board of Governors Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Rutgers University
- 848-445-9049
Research Interests: David Vanderbilt is a computational materials theorist known for making methodological advances in electronic structure theory. His interests span dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and magnetoelectric materials; interfaces and superlattices; the theory of electric polarization, orbital magnetization, and anomalous Hall conductivity; and the search for and understanding of topological quantum materials.