Three post doc positions are open in the group of Professor Collin Broholm at the Institute for Quantum Matter of The Johns Hopkins University. Position 1 will focus on the development of time resolved methods in neutron scattering and prior experience with pump probe methods and/or microwaves will be an advantage. This position can be...
Collin L. Broholm named a Moore Experimental Investigator

Collin Broholm, the Gerhard Dieke Professor of Physics and Astronomy, was named one of 19 new Moore Experimental Investigators in Quantum Materials. The five-year program from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation seeks to help physicists who experiments could help transform our understanding of quantum materials. Broholm will be awarded $1.8 million to fund his...
Tyrel McQueen has been named a Sloan Research Fellow

Tyrel McQueen has been named a 2014 Sloan Research Fellow in Chemistry. Sloan Research Fellowships are awarded in eight scientific and technical fields—chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, computational and evolutionary molecular biology, neuroscience, ocean sciences, and physics. Candidates are nominated by their fellow scientists, and winning fellows are selected by an independent panel of senior scholars on the basis...
IQM postdoc Kate Ross wins research award

Kate Ross, a postdoctoral fellow at IQM and NIST, is the recipient of the 2014 Prize for Outstanding Student Research, given by the Neutron Scattering Society of America. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in the field by students who have performed much of their work at North American neutron facilities. Go here for the JHU press release....